USIM Open Science


USIM’s Open Science began to be implemented in 2022 when the USIM Open Access Initiative Meeting no. 2/2022 has approved the name change of the Open Access Initiative Committee to the Open Science Committee.

The implementation of Open Science will be implemented at USIM based on the following details:


Improve the knowledge and management skills of Open Science through the study of current trends and see the best practices in organizations that have implemented this concept.
Formulate a policy related to the implementation of Open Science at USIM which will be used as a basic reference for all USIM citizens.
Carrying out a series of introduction and awareness training about Science open to USIM citizens.
Coordinate work processes related to the implementation of Open Science at USIM, across various Centers of Responsibility.

Through the implementation of Open Science, 2 committees were established, namely the USIM Open Science Master Committee and the USIM Open Science Implementation Committee.

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