USIM Open Science

The USIM Research Repository System is an open-access platform developed for USIM writers and researchers to upload their writings and research results for public access.

Yes, every writer/researcher at USIM must register with the USIM Research Repository for the purpose of uploading writing material into this system.

There are two methods of submission of the same submission: sending the material to the Repository Management Unit or self deposit, which means uploading the research results into the USIM Research Repository System after obtaining authorization for publication by the publisher. The uploaded version is the version approved/authorized by the publisher or organizer.

A review of the material can be made through the Sherpa Romeo website (UK only) or obtain copyright permission from the publisher who published the publication using the form in LAMPIRAN A

Searches can be made through the Research Repository System by entering the keyword ‘Keyword’ material or searches through the Investigator Profile.

The materials to be uploaded are scientific articles, seminar/conference papers, research reports, books, chapters in books as well as Graduate Student Thesis (Sarjana & PHD).

The version of the publication that needs to be uploaded is subject to copyright. There are 3 uploadable editions of the publication: Pre Print, Post Print and Publisher Version

The USIM Research Repository system is accessible from anywhere as long as there is Internet access.

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